- 100% human-grade dog food base, just add meat for a complete meal
- Grain free and gluten free, made with minimally processed, dehydrated, whole-food ingredients in the USA
- Contains no by-products, preservatives or GMO ingredients
Product Info
Meat-Free, Grain-Free Dehydrated Base Mix for Dogs
The Honest Kitchen Grain Free Fruit & Veggie Base Mix Dog Food is suggested for use with added raw meat, meaty bones or cooked meat of your choice (never cooked bones), as a base for a home made diet. This diet contains a custom vitamin-mineral premix with balanced calcium: phosphorus ratios, which are vital for the maintenance of healthy cells, bones and blood. This recipe is ideal for dogs who are sensitive to more popular meats; exotic meats, fish or alternative protein sources may be used as required.
The Honest Kitchen makes wholesome, natural food for dogs using gentle dehydration, a unique new approach to canine nutrition. These foods, like the Grain Free Fruit & Veggie Base Mix, help you create delicious and nutritious meals made with real, recognizable, and human-grade ingredients that are ready to prepare and serve at home. Simply add warm water to rehydrate, and you have a complete meal with USDA meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, organic flaxseed, herbs, vitamins, minerals.
3 lb. Box contains approximately 14 dry measured cups of food
7 lb. Box contains approximately 33 dry measured cups of foodPlease Note: The Honest Kitchen has updated their packaging, however ingredients and quality still remain the same.
Country of origin: USAManufacturer: The Honest Kitchen - Ingredients
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